Senin, 25 April 2011


Mcnpro box ChinaRes Editor 1.20 released!!!

Mcnpro box ChinaRes Editor 1.20 released

(Very good news for Mcnpro Box customer)

* Fix some special file langs detecting bugs for MT6253
* Improved font detecting speed for MTK
* Enable font import function for MTK
Now you can change base on MTK phone to any language as you want.
eg. If phone(A) have not Myanmar font, you can easily export the font from another phone , and import the font to phone(A)
* Corrected other small reported bugs

Upgrading from Previous Versions:

* Version of 1.20 is a maintenance release. request install Suite version 2.0.7 at first, we are recommend all customers running prior versions upgrade to last version be more stability! As usual, new version is available for all customers with valid, To download that from support section

Special thanks Krit (K-boxteam) And Tony give some idea

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